Be yourself; everyone else is already taken (Oscar Wilde) - Work in progress
Bilden blev jättedålig, jag vet. Hur som helst är det en fläta som jag har tänkt färglägga i olika färger (sådana färger som inte är "normala" hårfärger). Vi får se hur det blir. Ska färglägga den nu och lyssna på musik. Kommer säkert sitta uppe mestadels av natten, känns som en sådan natt. Ni får se teckningen igen innan jag blötlägger färgerna (ska använda mig av akvarellpennor). Vi hörs!
The picture is really bad, I know. Anyway, this is a braid that I have been thinking about painting in different colors (colors that are not "normal" hair colors). We'll see what happens. I'll paint it now and listen to some music. Will probably stay up mostly of the night, feels like such a night. You will see the drawing again before I soak the colors (I will use my watercolor pencils). See ya!
The picture is really bad, I know. Anyway, this is a braid that I have been thinking about painting in different colors (colors that are not "normal" hair colors). We'll see what happens. I'll paint it now and listen to some music. Will probably stay up mostly of the night, feels like such a night. You will see the drawing again before I soak the colors (I will use my watercolor pencils). See ya!
Postat av: Sara
Kommer säkert bli snyggt :)